1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Mentha (assorted)

‘The Best’ (Mentha spicata), like other spearmints, has less menthol than peppermint varieties which make … Continued

red mulberry

Morus rubra

A medium sized, upright spreading to rounded, deciduous tree native to woodlands, bottomlands and woodland … Continued

Mr. Stripey

Solanum lycopersicum

Red and yellow-striped. Mild and very low in acid. Indeterminate.

Mushroom Yellow pepper

Capsicum annuum species

Squash-like fruits mature from green to yellow and are very hot. Excellent mixed with purple … Continued

Nebraska Wedding

Solanum lycopersicum

Great Plains heirloom producing huge, globe-shaped fruits of a deep orange weigh up to 10 … Continued

Onion Sets

Onions are easy to grow and perform best in well-drained, slightly acidic, fertile soil in … Continued

Italian oregano

Origanum majoricum

A cross of oregano and majoram, Italian oregano grows to a height of 2′ and … Continued


Solanum lycopersicum

Large 12 oz–2 lbs fruits are firm, meaty with thick walls, few seeds and mild … Continued