1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

‘Red Lake’ currant

Ribes rubrum

Outstanding variety with clusters of bright red berries of good quality. Vigorous, disease resistant and … Continued


Ribes uva-crispa/hirtellum

Gooseberry cultivars can be American or European. Fruit from the American cultivars are smaller but … Continued


Rosmarinus officinalis

Rosemary ‘Arp’ Grows 3-5′ tall and prefers full sun. ‘Arp’ has an open, bushy habit, … Continued


Rubus fruticosus

‘Triple Crown’ is a thornless variety that grows 5-6′ in height. This variety is a … Continued

dock, bloodwort

Rumex sanguineus

Distinct red veins color the foliage of this 15″ highly ornamental but also edible vegetable. … Continued


Salvia officinalis

With very broad gray leaves, plants grow great in herb planters and beds. ‘Berggarten’ has … Continued


Sambucus canadensis

Elderberries are super easy to grow, good for your health and great for wildlife. These … Continued

winter savory

Satureja montana

With its strong spicy flavor, winter savory goes well with beans and meats, and including … Continued

summer savory

Satureja hortensis

A favorite herb for flavoring fresh and dry beans, cabbage, and sauerkraut. Spirit-awakening peppery flavor. … Continued

Amana Orange Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum

Originally from the Amana Colonies in Iowa, these huge, light orange, fluted beefsteak tomatoes can … Continued

Amish Paste

Solanum lycopersicum

Turn of the century heirloom for sauces and canning. Deep red 8 oz fruits with … Continued