Prunus persica
Peaches are self-fertile but cross-pollinating with two or more trees will increase production. Peach trees … Continued
Get planning with our kitchen garden growing guide. We’ve combined planting calendars from many sources with our own experience and greenhouse seed sowing schedules, along with some average times to harvest, and created a guide we hope will help demystify vegetable gardening.
CLICK HERE to check current availability and preorder fruit trees on our webstore.
Prunus persica
Peaches are self-fertile but cross-pollinating with two or more trees will increase production. Peach trees … Continued
Pyrus communis/Pyrus pyrifolia
Our pear trees are semi-dwarf, growing to 15’ high and wide. Plant pear trees in … Continued
Perilla frutescens 'Crispa'
Purple-red foliage is nicely ornamental. Distinct cinnamon-clove flavor and aroma, with the spiciness of cumin. … Continued
Physalis philadelphica
2” fruits are the staple ingredient in Mexican Salsa Verde. Native to Mexico and domesticated … Continued
Plectranthus amboinicus
Great herb for Caribbean cuisine. Loves hot, summer weather. Nice in containers and baskets, plants … Continued
Poterium sanguisorba
Plants have gorgeously serrated foliage and grow to about 1′ high and wide. Not fussy, … Continued
Prunus armeniaca
Apricot trees produce beautiful, fragrant blooms in early spring. One of the earliest stone fruits … Continued
Prunus avium
Cherry trees require full sun and sharply draining fertile soil. Full sun is defined as … Continued
Prunus persica var. neupersica
Nectarines can be used in the same way as peaches — genetically, the only difference … Continued
Prunus domestica/salicina
Plum trees need full sun to produce sweet fruit and flower buds for the next … Continued
Rubus idaeus/Rubus occidentalis
‘Heritage Red’ is an everbearing variety bears fruit the first year. Produces light crop in … Continued
Rheum x hybridum
Produces multitudes of red-blushed green stalks and is the best cooking rhubarb. Sweeter and milder … Continued