1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

passion vine, maypop

Passiflora incarnata

This perennial vine grows up to 25′ long and climbs with tendrils. 3″ lavender flowers … Continued


Prunus persica

Peaches are self-fertile but cross-pollinating with two or more trees will increase production. Peach trees … Continued


Pyrus communis/Pyrus pyrifolia

Our pear trees are semi-dwarf, growing to 15’ high and wide. Plant pear trees in … Continued


Prunus armeniaca

Apricot trees produce beautiful, fragrant blooms in early spring. One of the earliest stone fruits … Continued


Prunus avium

Cherry trees require full sun and sharply draining fertile soil. Full sun is defined as … Continued


Prunus persica var. neupersica

Nectarines can be used in the same way as peaches — genetically, the only difference … Continued


Prunus domestica/salicina

Plum trees need full sun to produce sweet fruit and flower buds for the next … Continued


Rubus idaeus/Rubus occidentalis

‘Heritage Red’ is an everbearing variety bears fruit the first year. Produces light crop in … Continued

‘Red Lake’ currant

Ribes rubrum

Outstanding variety with clusters of bright red berries of good quality. Vigorous, disease resistant and … Continued


Ribes uva-crispa/hirtellum

Gooseberry cultivars can be American or European. Fruit from the American cultivars are smaller but … Continued


Rubus fruticosus

‘Triple Crown’ is a thornless variety that grows 5-6′ in height. This variety is a … Continued