assorted pompom junipers
Juniperus chinensis / Juniperus × pfitzeriana
‘Old Gold’ juniper foliage is a blend of green, yellow and gold. ‘Angelica Blue’ has … Continued
Juniperus chinensis / Juniperus × pfitzeriana
‘Old Gold’ juniper foliage is a blend of green, yellow and gold. ‘Angelica Blue’ has … Continued
Juniperus scopulorum 'Blue Arrow'
This juniper is an improved selection with tight, bright blue foliage and an extremely columnar, … Continued
Juniperus scopulorum
‘Skyrocket’ is a narrow, columnar form that makes an excellent choice for accent or planting … Continued
Juniperus {chinensis} procumbens ‘Nana’
An extremely low-growing ground cover that tops out at 6-8” high but spreads up to … Continued
Juniperus horizontalis ‘Plumosa Compacta’
This densely branching evergreen creates a 12–18” high groundcover that spreads up to 6′ wide. … Continued
Juniperus chinensis 'Angelica Blue'
Bright blue, fine-textured foliage intensifies in cool winter temperatures. Creates excellent texture and color contrast … Continued
Juniperus horizontalis ‘Wiltonii’
One of the best trailing junipers with uniform growth habit and intense silver-blue evergreen foliage … Continued
Juniperus chinensis
A fast growing evergreen with dark green, densely branched columns useful as formal accent, screen … Continued
Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point'
Finely-textured blue-green foliage on a densely branched, broad pyramid form that maintains its natural form … Continued
Juniperus chinensis ‘Gold Lace’
Gold foliage tips branches. An outstanding contrast plant. 3–4’ tall, spreading 5–6’ wide. Hardy to … Continued
Juniperus chinensis 'Old Gold'
With a blend of green, yellow and gold foliage, ‘Old Gold’ will grow happily in … Continued
Juniperus × pfitzeriana ‘Sea Green’
Juniperus x pfitzeriana is a hybrid that includes cultivar crosses between Juniperus chinensis and Juniperus sabina. They are sometimes … Continued