1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

hardy pampas grass

Saccharum ravennae (formerly Erianthus ravennae)

Showy plumes tower 8-10′ tall in summer. An excellent instant privacy planting especially useful between … Continued

prairie dock

Silphium terebinthinaceum

Native to prairies, railroad right-of-ways, and other exposed habitats in the Midwest and portions of … Continued

Stiff Goldenrod

Oligoneuron rigidum {Solidago rigida}

Large, flat medium yellow flower clusters provide late-season nectar for butterflies and, later, seed for … Continued

Indian grass

Sorghastrum nutans

Upright clumps of slender, blue-green leaves 1/2″ wide. Foliage turns orange-yellow in fall. Stems are … Continued

weeping baldcypress

Taxodium distichum 'Cascade Falls'

Deciduous conifer with a weeping habit off a central leader and narrow bright green leaves … Continued