1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

‘Golden Fleece’ goldenrod

Solidago sphacelata

Sprays of golden yellow flowers open from mid-August through September over semievergreen heart-shaped leaves. This lower-growing goldenrod makes and excellent groundcover. Attracts bees and butterflies, particularly hairstreaks, sulphurs and skippers. Monarchs also rely on solidago during their autumn migration.

Native to limestone woodlands and rocky pastures from Virginia to Illinois and south to Kentucky and Georgia. Autumn goldenrod grows best in somewhat fertile, sandy, well-drained soils in full sun, but is tolerant of a wide range of conditions, from part shade and dry soil to moist soil in full sun. Cut back flowers after blooming to encourage rebloom.

A Mt. Cuba Center introduction: “a chance seedling found in Eden, North Carolina and brought to Dr. Richard Lighty for Mt. Cuba’s evaluation.”