1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

bush clover

Lespedeza capitata

Commonly found in upland woods, thickets, and prairies, along streams, railroads, and roadsides. Tiny creamy … Continued

hairy mountain mint

Pycnanthemum verticillatum var. pilosum

This fragrant native spreads by rhizomes readily. Small white flowers on branched spires are packed … Continued

blue oat grass

Helictotrichon sempervivens

A clump-forming, cool season, ornamental grass from France and Italy. Features very narrow, spiky, steel … Continued

sea holly

Eryngium planum

An outstanding hardy unusual ornamental that thrives in hot dry locations and blooms in summer … Continued

sandlove grass

Eragrostis trichodes

A warm-season bunchgrass native from Ohio to Nebraska and south to Louisiana and Texas. Purple-tinted … Continued

orange coneflower

Rudbeckia fulgida

This adaptable native occurs in both dry and moist soils in open woods, glades and … Continued