1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

angel ivy, wire vine

Muehlenbebeckia axillaries / complexa

Tiny, round green leaves densely cover reddish-brown, wiry stems. This vigorous little plant makes a … Continued


Plumbago auriculata

Native to South Africa where it is an evergreen shrub that grows 6-7’ tall and … Continued



Nasturtiums are easy to grow and may be climbing, cascading or bushy. A popular edible, … Continued

copper spoons

Kalanchoe orgyalis 'Baker'

Copper-colored leaves fold upward from the middle and are a bronze to gray color on … Continued

desert rose

Adenium obesum

Desert rose is succulent native to the hot climates of East Africa and Arabia, with fleshy … Continued


Equisetum hyemale

Hollow, segmented, tubular stems grow to 4′ tall and grow in dry soils to wet, … Continued