balsam, touch-me-not, spotted snapweed
Impatiens balsamina
Bushy plants bloom in shades of pink, white, red, and salmon throughout the summer and … Continued
Impatiens balsamina
Bushy plants bloom in shades of pink, white, red, and salmon throughout the summer and … Continued
Zinnia tenuifolia
One of the original zinnia species, ‘Red Spider’ has small blooms with rich red narrow … Continued
Zizia aptera
A larval host for black swallowtails and an exceptional early-season nectar source for countless species … Continued
Antirrhinum majus
These heirloom garden flowers flourish in cool spring growing conditions and can be kept going … Continued
Delphinium 'Red Lark'
A unique color, these deep red flowers make excellent cut flowers but are equally enjoyable … Continued
Achillea millefolium 'Seduction Strawberry'
This improved yarrow cultivar has a compact and upright growth different from other yarrows. Clusters … Continued
Hydrangea spp Hyp.
Game Changer Picotee has been developed to bloom earlier and longer than most. Lacecap blossoms … Continued
Malva sylvestris 'Zebrina'
A super tough perennial with soft pink flowers lined striking, raspberry-purple veins. 2″, bowl-shaped blooms … Continued
Cuphea hybrid
Cigar plants are the perfect addition to pollinator gardens attracting hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. Use … Continued
Monarda 'Buzz Cherry Pops'
In midsummer, ‘Cherry Pops’ forms a solid dome of cherry red, 2-2½” flowers on strong, … Continued
Lysimachia ciliata ‘Purpurea’
Though ‘Purpurea’ is not as invasive as other varieties, it will spread. ‘Purpurea’ performs best … Continued
Hosta 'Big Daddy'
Described as one of the best large blue hostas available, ‘Big Daddy’ forms a huge … Continued