Gaillardia aristata
Gaillardia aristata ‘Arizona Apricot’ grows 8 to 10″ tall, 10 to 12″ wide with continuous color … Continued
Gaillardia aristata
Gaillardia aristata ‘Arizona Apricot’ grows 8 to 10″ tall, 10 to 12″ wide with continuous color … Continued
Hemerocallis hybrids
‘Prairie Wildfire’ produces 5″ fragrant, rich red flowers with slightly recurved petals and a yellow … Continued
Begonia boliviensis x hybrid
The most vigorous trailing begonia on the market, ‘Million Kisses’ is easy to grow pink … Continued
Pelargonium x hortorum 'Contessa'
Trailing plants grow 2-3′ and look great with many other annual companions in containers, window … Continued
Pelagonium x hortorum
‘Fireworks’ white or pink feature star-shaped blooms open on upright plants growing up to 20″ … Continued
Pelargonium × hortorum
‘Americana Dark Red’ is a true dark red over medium green foliage. This vigorous upright … Continued
Gomphrena globosa
‘Fireworks Purple’ grows up to 24″ high and sports lavendar puffy balls with little yellow whiskers. … Continued
Tagetes hybrids
‘Bonanza’ mix is a French marigold with a mix of yellow, gold-red, and bicolor large, 2-2.5″ … Continued
Phlox drummondii
Loads of single blooms in clusters atop 6-8″ plants all summer long. Flowers range in … Continued
Portulaca grandiflora
A classic maintenance free annual with fancy rose-like blooms all summer. Often self-seeding in garden … Continued
Catharanthus roseus
These plants start to shine during the heat of summer when days are long and … Continued
Zinnia angustifolia
Heat, drought and disease resistant, these medium-sized zinnias also do well in cool conditions. Flowers … Continued