dwarf bee balm
Monarda didyma
Monarda didyma ‘Balmy Pink’ is a dwarf plant covered in lavender-rose blooms in summer. ‘Balmy Purple’ sports … Continued
Monarda didyma
Monarda didyma ‘Balmy Pink’ is a dwarf plant covered in lavender-rose blooms in summer. ‘Balmy Purple’ sports … Continued
Cyclamen persicum
Metalis series has silvery foliage that brightens up the darkest corners, indoors, on terraces and … Continued
Iris ensata ‘Eden’s Purple Glory’
Adapts well to full sun or partial shade and moist soils. Ideal for use near … Continued
Viola pedata
Bird’s foot violet has purple flowers with orange centers. The leaves are shaped like bird’s … Continued
Hosta ‘Gingko Craig’
Narrow dark green foliage with crisp white margins. This Hosta has a low dense mounding … Continued
Syringa vulgaris
Common lilacs are mid-season spring bloomers typically flowering in mid-May in lavender or white. We … Continued
Clematis 'Mrs. N Thompson'
Large 4-6″ flowers are deep violet with a vivid scarlet stripe down the petal. Blooms … Continued
Clematis 'Dr. Ruppel'
A heavy flowering cultivar that blooms in late spring and again in late summer. This … Continued
Hosta x 'Sum and Substance'
One of the largest and most popular of hostas, this award winner has huge leaves … Continued
Hosta venusta (Maekawa)
Teardrop-shaped green leaves form the smallest species of hosta! Excellent for a trough, container or rock garden. … Continued
Wisteria frutescens
Blooms in early summer and can rebloom later in the season. Give it the sturdy … Continued
Clematis ‘Jackmanii'
The most profuse blooming dark purple Clematis, vines are covered with purple flowers in June, … Continued