1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Extended hours for social distancing

We are offering by appointment only extended hours for those who would like to peruse the plants in peaceful seclusion. We can arrange for payment via electronic means while you are checking out at the nursery to further limit exposure to others.

To schedule an appointment for the hour before we open or the hour after we close Monday through Saturday, please email Amy with at least two date/time options and she will confirm one!

We also offer email or phone in pre-orders for contactless pick-up.

Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions for other accommodations.

2 responses to “Extended hours for social distancing

  1. Just wondering what your extended hours are? I’m interested in getting some soil, if that makes any difference.

    1. We have space available from 8 to 9am in the mornings and 5 to 6pm after hours.

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