1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

mimosa, silk tree

Albizia julibrissin

Native to southwestern and eastern Asia, this deciduous tree makes a statement with its powder-puff … Continued

fig-leaf hollyhock

Alcea ficifolia

This less-known variety of hollyhock is native to Siberia and was introduced at the end … Continued

nodding onion

Allium cernuum

Easily grown in average soil in full sun to light shade. Plants naturalize by self-seeding … Continued


Allium schoenoprasum

Mild onion flavor. Can be used fresh in salads, or can be frozen or dried … Continued

garlic chives

Allium tuberosum

White flowers self-seed and make an easy low maintenance filler winding through perennial borders. Dried … Continued


Aloe vera

Split open a leaf and apply the clear gel directly to minor burns, wounds, dry … Continued

Aloe ‘Pink Blush’

Aloe ‘Pink Blush’

Aloe ‘Pink Blush’ has strappy green leaves heavily textured in light green raised lines with pink ridges. … Continued