copper spoons
Kalanchoe orgyalis 'Baker'
Copper-colored leaves fold upward from the middle and are a bronze to gray color on … Continued
Kalanchoe orgyalis 'Baker'
Copper-colored leaves fold upward from the middle and are a bronze to gray color on … Continued
Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Ling Ling'
Fuzzy, gray leaves are edged in maroon with chocolate brown tips. A fantastic stand alone … Continued
Lavandula angustifolia/ x intermedia / x ginginsii
Well-drained soil, winter mulch and a planting site near stone or concrete footing to create … Continued
Linum perenne
True blue flowers in summer over fine foliage that appears delicate but is extremely tough, … Continued
Lobularia maritima
Tiny fragrant white, pink, and lavender flowers open in clusters on this low-growing annual that … Continued
Mentha requienii
Fragrant, moss-like ground-cover mint. Less than one inch tall, it is the least rampant of … Continued
Monstera adonsonii
Oval-shaped holes give this plant its common name, Swiss cheese plant. With glossy, green leaves … Continued
Oenothera {Gaura} lindheimeri 'Rose'
A dwarf selection with gorgeous bicolor flowers with deep rose-pink at the tips and pure … Continued
Onions are easy to grow and perform best in well-drained, slightly acidic, fertile soil in … Continued
Austrocylindropuntia subulata (Opuntia subulata)
In its natural habitat, the plant is capable of growing up to 12’ feet tall. … Continued
Origanum dictamnus
Fuzzy gray-green leaves on branched stems covered with hop-like pods and lavender-pink flowers summer through … Continued
Orostachys iwarenge
From a low, blue-grey carpet of rosettes, pinkish conical spires rise. Spires grow to about … Continued