Solanum lycopersicum
(VFFNTASt) Medium-sized globe-shaped fruits are crack-resistant and average 7 oz. Semi-determinate.
Get planning with our kitchen garden growing guide. We’ve combined planting calendars from many sources with our own experience and greenhouse seed sowing schedules, along with some average times to harvest, and created a guide we hope will help demystify vegetable gardening.
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Solanum lycopersicum
(VFFNTASt) Medium-sized globe-shaped fruits are crack-resistant and average 7 oz. Semi-determinate.
Solanum lycopersicum
Cultivated by the Native American tribe, productive plants produce rose to purple colored and also … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
Indeterminate vines covered with clusters of sweet 1” fruits, dark red with rich chocolate shading. … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
(VNTSWV) Compact plant with heavy yields of firm, bright red, tasty 10-12 oz fruits. Unbeatable … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
Floradade is an excellent variety that tastes great and produces a lot even in extreme … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
Mild-flavored, meaty, rough, 12–24 oz fruits with pink skins and yellow shoulders. Indeterminate.
Solanum lycopersicum
Fruits are shaped like bell peppers and are completely hollow, perfect for stuffing. Boldly striped … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
Wonderful 1-pound bi-colored fruits are a gourmet delight. Considered by some to be the finest … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
Gold Nugget cherry tomatoes have a rich, sweet flavor. Vigorous and determinate, plants are loaded … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
Unusual variety produces bright green fruits striped with bright light green. 2-4 oz fruits with … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
Ancient heirloom from the hills of West Virginia. Huge, beefsteak-type weighing 1–2 lbs. Mild flavored, … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
Darkest cherry, exceptionally high in anti-oxidants. Ripens to a rich purple-red. Resistant to fungus and … Continued