Partridge Pea
Chamaecrista fasciculata
Native annual with pinnately-compound leaves with small leaflets that fold together when touched. Showy yellow … Continued
Chamaecrista fasciculata
Native annual with pinnately-compound leaves with small leaflets that fold together when touched. Showy yellow … Continued
Cleome serrulata
This colorful long-blooming native annual has large showy flowers in shades of pink and rose … Continued
Coreopsis tinctoria
Yellow with rust color around the center of these blooms with a shape similar to … Continued
Eryngium leavenworthii
Plains native perennial that behaves more like an annual. Spiky leaves are gray-green and deeply … Continued
Euphorbia marginata
Medium green spring foliage gradually develops showy clean white margins at the tips giving a … Continued
Gaillardia pulchella
Indian blanket is a bright native annual! It is easy to establish in dry to … Continued
Monarda citriodora 'Lambada'
Horsemint foliage has a strong citrus scent when rubbed or crushed. It is very easy … Continued
Oenothera filiformis {Gaura longiflora}
Large-flowered gaura is a great plains prairie plant that establishes quickly to provide late-season bloom. … Continued
Prairie Moon Nursery provides authentic, wild native plant seeds. With a network of growers across … Continued
Tagetes lemmonii
Narrow, green, fine foliage has a strong citrus-like aroma. The sunny yellow blooms attract bees … Continued