Mentha (assorted)
‘The Best’ (Mentha spicata), like other spearmints, has less menthol than peppermint varieties which make … Continued
These low-growing plants will spread and require minimal maintenance. Living mulch also provides “soft landings” for insects that overwinter and lay eggs in tree canopies, an essential part of the native food web.
Shrubs, grasses and clumping perennials can also be used as a ground cover when planted in mass. For example, daylilies can be used to cover large expanses or slopes. Some shrubs like Japanese garden juniper or variegated glossy abelia can serve this function, as well as ornamental grasses or self-seeding annuals.
To create the ultimate soft landing for wildlife use native plants and consider combinations of plants rather than a monoculture.
To figure the number of plants needed for your project, multiply the square footage of the bed by the spacing multiplier. Choose spacing based on how fast you want to cover the area and/or the mature width of the plant selected.
Mentha (assorted)
‘The Best’ (Mentha spicata), like other spearmints, has less menthol than peppermint varieties which make … Continued
Monarda fistulosa
Violet blossoms with aromatic foliage. A familiar sight on the prairie. Native to most of … Continued
Nepeta species
Perennial Plant Association 2007 Perennial Plant of the Year! faassenii ‘Walker’s Low’ grows up to … Continued
Nepeta 'Cat's Pajamas'
2021 Proven Winners National Perennial of the Year A smaller-scale catmint that also blooms 2-3 … Continued
Opuntia macrorhiza
Low mats of spiny pads which can colonize large beds over time. Showy flowers are … Continued
Origanum vulgare 'Hot & Spicy'
A hardy and flavorful Greek oregano. This cultivar is best used dried, which reportedly deepens … Continued
Pachysandra terminalis
Best grown in organically rich, medium moisture, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade, … Continued
Pachysandra procumbens
An excellent low perennial ground cover for shady areas, spreading with long rhizomes. Toothed leaves crowd … Continued
Mentha pulegium
Pennyroyal is an excellent living mulch and insect repellent. Rubbing leaves on on skin can … Continued
Phalaris arundinacea 'Strawberries and Cream'
18″ colorfully tricolored leaves are variegated with white, green and pink. This grass spreads aggressively, … Continued
Phlox subulata
Showy spring perennials produce vibrant carpets of bloom in very early spring, right when we’re … Continued