garlic chives
Allium tuberosum
White flowers self-seed and make an easy low maintenance filler winding through perennial borders. Dried … Continued
Allium tuberosum
White flowers self-seed and make an easy low maintenance filler winding through perennial borders. Dried … Continued
Allium ‘Globemaster’
The biggest and best Allium! Silvery purple florets form huge, 8–10″ flower globes of purple … Continued
Alocasia 'Portora'
This is the easiest Alocasia to grow! Giant green leaves are held upright with scalloped, … Continued
Alocasia princeps 'Purple Cloak'
This rare Alocaisa from Malaysia has V-shaped leaves with a high glossy dark green-blue-silver top … Continued
Aloe cameronii
A medium-sized suckering Aloe with many upright stems of open rosettes up to 2 feet … Continued
Amelanchier arborea
This four-season tree offers white flowers in spring, small red berries in summer, colorful fall … Continued
Aquilegia alpina
These striking blue blooms come from the high meadow and mountain slopes of the Alps. … Continued
Aquilegia canadensis
Nodding yellow and red bi-color blooms in April through early June. Grows 12-24″ in height, … Continued
Aquilegia vulgaris 'Leprechaun Gold'
Large, violet flowers and striking golden and green marbled foliage of this European Aquilegia. Variegation … Continued
Arisaema triphyllum
This tuberous perennial produces one or two leaves, each divided into three narrow leaflets. In … Continued
Aristolochia fimbriata
Small rounded leaves are highlighted with striking silver veining and covered all summer with 1″ … Continued
Aronia melanocarpa 'Low Scape Mound’
Low Scape® Mound Chokeberry provides season-long beauty in a hardy, compact shrub that grows almost … Continued