southern catalpa
Catalpa bignonioides
Southern Catalpa is a medium sized, flowering deciduous tree with a short, thick trunk and … Continued
Catalpa bignonioides
Southern Catalpa is a medium sized, flowering deciduous tree with a short, thick trunk and … Continued
Celtis occidentalis
Tolerant of a variety of conditions. Well-suited to urban areas, it withstands wind and city … Continued
Diospyros virginiana
Rounded oval crown, grows to 35-60’ tall. Edible persimmon fruits up to 2” in diameter … Continued
Eucommia ulmoides
Grown as an ornamental shade tree because of its attractive glossy green foliage and excellent resistance to … Continued
Ginkgo biloba
‘Autumn Gold’ is a superior selection. This species evolved over 200 million years ago. Tough … Continued
Gleditsia triacanthos 'Shademaster'
Bipinnate, golden-yellow leaves emerge in early summer, becoming greener as the season progresses. Attains a … Continued
Gymnocladus dioicus
60-90’ tall native tree. Habitats include rich woodlands, and riverbanks. Kentucky coffee tree is cultivated … Continued
Halesia diptera
Clusters of white bell-shaped blooms cover this small native tree in late April and early … Continued
Quercus x macdanielii 'Clemons'
Heritage oak is a natural hybrid cross of robur English Oak and native macrocarpa Bur … Continued
Juglans nigra
When grown in the open, the black walnut reaches 75′ tall with a round, low … Continued
Koelreuteria paniculata
Fast-growing shade tree with neat habit and well-behaved root system. Medium-sized 30-40’ trees are open-branched, … Continued