1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

false Ural spirea

Sorbaria sorbifolia

A suckering, deciduous shrub which typically grows 5-8′ tall and wide with ferny green foliage … Continued

old-fashioned spirea

Spiraea × vanhouttei

Old-fashioned spirea is often found in established landscapes around older homes. This handsome arching, loose … Continued

‘Little Princess’ spirea

Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess'

Dainty clusters of rose-pink blooms on low-growing, mint green foliage. Naturally develops a tidy, compact, … Continued


Symphoricarpos alba

This rounded deciduous shrub grows to 3-6′ tall and wide. Native to dry rocky wooded … Continued

magic berry snowberry

Symphoricarpos x doorenbosii 'Magic Berry'

Light pink blooms in summer followed by large, pink fruit on arching stems with dark … Continued

common lilac

Syringa vulgaris

Common lilacs are mid-season spring bloomers typically flowering in mid-May in lavender or white. We … Continued

dwarf Korean lilac

Syringa meyeri 'Palibin'

A smaller-sized lilac with reddish purple buds opening to fragrant, pale lilac flowers. Blooms profusely … Continued

French hybrid lilac

Syringa vulgaris

‘Sensation’ sports bicolor blooms of purple edged in white in early to mid-spring, and fill … Continued


Taxus x media

Add some midcentury evergreen flair as the backbone of your landscape. Fitting into the natural … Continued

blackhaw viburnum

Viburnum prunifolium

A large shrub or small tree, 12-15 ft. tall, sometimes larger. Rounded in form, this deciduous shrub … Continued