golden lemon balm
Melissa officinalis
Leaves have an almost metallic golden sheen. Otherwise similar to standard lemon balm with lemony … Continued
The history of the turfgrass lawn goes back to ancient castles and the need for visibility for security. Fast forward to the 1950s and the middle-class birth of the suburban lawn, and here we are. In our new age of conservation and environmental awareness, alternatives to lawns are beginning to make their way into the mainstream. Collected here are some possibilities to consider when replacing all or a portion of a turfgrass lawn with pollinator-friendly, drought tolerant, no-mow, no chemical “lawnscapes.”
These plants are also:
Melissa officinalis
Leaves have an almost metallic golden sheen. Otherwise similar to standard lemon balm with lemony … Continued
Mentha (assorted)
‘The Best’ (Mentha spicata), like other spearmints, has less menthol than peppermint varieties which make … Continued
Nepeta species
Perennial Plant Association 2007 Perennial Plant of the Year! faassenii ‘Walker’s Low’ grows up to … Continued
Origanum vulgare 'Hot & Spicy'
A hardy and flavorful Greek oregano. This cultivar is best used dried, which reportedly deepens … Continued
Pachysandra terminalis
Best grown in organically rich, medium moisture, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade, … Continued
Pachysandra procumbens
An excellent low perennial ground cover for shady areas, spreading with long rhizomes. Toothed leaves crowd … Continued
Mentha pulegium
Pennyroyal is an excellent living mulch and insect repellent. Rubbing leaves on on skin can … Continued
Phalaris arundinacea 'Strawberries and Cream'
18″ colorfully tricolored leaves are variegated with white, green and pink. This grass spreads aggressively, … Continued
Phlox subulata
Showy spring perennials produce vibrant carpets of bloom in very early spring, right when we’re … Continued
Potentilla nepalensis
Plants form a low mound of strawberry-like foliage topped with coral flowers, beginning in early … Continued
Packera obovata
An attractive groundcover with basal foliage growing only 4-6″ tall. Beautiful naturalized with other low-growing … Continued