ruby glow peperomia
Peperomia graveolens
Native to Peru and Ecuador, this succulent forms small plants with burgundy-red stems. V-shaped leaves … Continued
Peperomia graveolens
Native to Peru and Ecuador, this succulent forms small plants with burgundy-red stems. V-shaped leaves … Continued
Perilla frutescens 'Crispa'
Purple-red foliage is nicely ornamental. Distinct cinnamon-clove flavor and aroma, with the spiciness of cumin. … Continued
Persicaria virginiana var. filiformis 'Painter's Palette'
Grown primarily for its attractive, variegated foliage, plants form a spreading foliage mound 18-24” tall … Continued
Philodendron hybrid
New foliage on this philodendron emerges lime-green with thin, light-yellowish stripes. As the plant matures, … Continued
Philodendron 'Congo Rojo'
Striking green and red foliage sprouts from a central stem. ‘Red Congo’ is a hybrid … Continued
Philodendron bipinnatifidum
‘Shangri-la’ is a compact split-leaf philodendron with lime-green veining. A dense, bushy tropical that develops … Continued
Philodendron hastatum
Beautiful slower growing philodendron, with blueish-silver lance shaped leaves that resmble a sword once the … Continued
Philodendron hederaceum 'Variegata'
Classic green heart leaf Philodendron but with a stunning golden variegation.
Phlox paniculata
Large clusters of fragrant purple blooms. Remove faded flowers to encourage more blooms. Plants grow … Continued
Physostegia virginiana
Physostegia virginiana has an upright spreading habit, this plant will requires space and should be … Continued
Picea glauca 'Densata'
A naturally symmetrical, cone-shaped evergreen with a more dense, compact habit than the species. New … Continued
Picea pungens 'Blue Totem'
Add evergreen color contrast in a small space with this narrow, 3′ wide blue spruce … Continued