Lantana camara
The quintessential southern plant, rewarding high temperatures with copious flowering. ‘Irene’ has unusual yellow, pink … Continued
• Spillers are trailing plants that hang over the edge of the planter
• Spillers are placed close to the edge of the container
• If the container is going to be viewed from all sides, Spillers should be placed on all sides
• If the container is going to be viewed from only one side, Spillers should be placed in the front of the container
Lantana camara
The quintessential southern plant, rewarding high temperatures with copious flowering. ‘Irene’ has unusual yellow, pink … Continued
Lotus maculatus
Unusual bicolor blooms look like parrot’s beaks, yellow at the base darkening to orange and … Continued
Lysimachia nummularia
Round, green leaves create a low-growing mat with small yellow flowers. ‘Aurea’ is a bright … Continued
Lysimachia congestiflora
Bold yellow and green variegated foliage is topped with bright yellow flowers. An underutilized annual!
Manettia luteorubra
Small, bright red blooms tipped with gold look just like candy corn candy! A vigorous … Continued
Muehlenbebeckia axillaries / complexa
Tiny, round green leaves densely cover reddish-brown, wiry stems. This vigorous little plant makes a … Continued
Nasturtiums are easy to grow and may be climbing, cascading or bushy. A popular edible, … Continued
Opuntia macrorhiza
Low mats of spiny pads which can colonize large beds over time. Showy flowers are … Continued
Petunia hybrids
‘Wave’ petunias are the original heat tolerant, low maintenance petunia hybrid. Ground-hugging carpets grow 5-7″ … Continued
Petunia hybrids
An improved selection with low, spreading growth habit and flowers produced all along the trailing … Continued
Petunia hybrids
Crazytunias offer such exciting colors! ‘Crazytunia Star Jubilee’ is a yellow and black bicolor. ‘Crazytunia Mandeville’ is … Continued
Petunia hybrid
Headliner is quickly becoming the growers’ first choice for petunias. This mounded petunia boasts early … Continued