‘Leopard’ spotted hawkweed
Hieracium maculatum ‘Leopard’
Striking mounds of blue-green foliage dappled in maroon purple. Tall stems of bright yellow daisies … Continued
Hieracium maculatum ‘Leopard’
Striking mounds of blue-green foliage dappled in maroon purple. Tall stems of bright yellow daisies … Continued
Helenium autumnale
Clusters of daisy-like flowers 2″ in diameter have distinctive wedge-shaped, bright yellow rays dome-like yellow … Continued
Helianthus mollis
Fine hairs cover the stems and leaves, giving this native perennial a gray-green color. A … Continued
Helianthus salicifolius 'Autumn Gold'
Narrow, dark-green leaves and compact, rounded form give this perennial a shrub-like appearance during Spring … Continued
Helianthus maximiliani
State flower of Kansas Clusters of bright yellow flowers in September atop 6-8′ stalks. An … Continued
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra 'Bleeding Hearts'
Flowers emerge intense orange-red and mature to golden orange with red centers from July until … Continued
Heliopsis helianthoides 'Summer Sun'/Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ‘Sunstruck’
‘Summer Sun’ is a long-blooming hardy perennial that produces yellow, semi-double daisy flowers with deep … Continued
Heliopsis helianthoides
Bright yellow daisies open in late summer thru fall on tall native plants. Tolerates some … Continued
Hemerocallis 'Bertie Ferris'
Beautiful miniature apricot-colored blooms with lightly ruffled edges.
Hemerocallis 'Double Pardon Me'
‘Double Pardon Me’ has flowers with as many as 18 tepals in beautiful deep wine … Continued
Hemerocallis 'Hyperion'
In cultivation for nearly 90 years, ‘Hyperion’ produces 5″, canary yellow blooms with a tiny, … Continued
Hemerocallis 'Judy Judy'
6” fragrant, lavender blooms have a frilly, ruffled yellow picotee edge and prominent creamy yellow … Continued