giant ironweed
Vernonia gigantea
One of the tallest of the ironweeds, growing to as much as 10’ tall in … Continued
Ecoregions are areas where ecosystems are generally similar. Mapping has been done in collaboration with EPA regional offices, other Federal and state agencies, and neighboring North American countries “to serve as a spatial framework for the research, assessment, and monitoring of ecosystems and ecosystem components” for the implementation of management strategies.
These maps are useful to gardeners because they provide a more accurate picture than state lines when selecting native plant species for specific locations.
Vinland Valley Nursery is located in the Osage Cuestas section of the Central Irregular Plains, which are part of the larger Great Plains. Baldwin City, Lawrence, Topeka, Ottawa, Leavenworth, Overland Park, and Olathe are all part of our ecoregion.
Vernonia gigantea
One of the tallest of the ironweeds, growing to as much as 10’ tall in … Continued
Glandularia {Verbena} canadensis
Brilliant pink flower clusters cover this low-growing wildflower all summer. Plants spread out to 15-18″ … Continued
Gymnocladus dioicus
60-90’ tall native tree. Habitats include rich woodlands, and riverbanks. Kentucky coffee tree is cultivated … Continued
Helenium autumnale
Clusters of daisy-like flowers 2″ in diameter have distinctive wedge-shaped, bright yellow rays dome-like yellow … Continued
Helianthus mollis
Fine hairs cover the stems and leaves, giving this native perennial a gray-green color. A … Continued
Heliopsis helianthoides
Bright yellow daisies open in late summer thru fall on tall native plants. Tolerates some … Continued
Heuchera richardsonii
Tall flowering stalks are hairy and extend up to 3′ above the basal leaves topped … Continued
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'
Naturally occurring cultivar, native from New York to Florida west to Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma and … Continued
Polemonium reptans
Jacob’s ladder flourishes in bright shade with moist rich loamy soil. Plants tolerate sandy, acid … Continued
Juncus effusus 'Spiralis'
Round blades curl as they grow. Interesting foliage for containers, but also a hardy bog-loving … Continued
Juniperus virginiana
‘Hetzii’ is an eastern red cedar growing 12-15′ high and 10-15′ wide with bluish-green to … Continued
Lespedeza capitata
Commonly found in upland woods, thickets, and prairies, along streams, railroads, and roadsides. Tiny creamy … Continued