tropical pitcher plant
Nepenthes alata
One of the hardiest, most forgiving species and a great beginner carnivorous plant! The pitchers … Continued
Nepenthes alata
One of the hardiest, most forgiving species and a great beginner carnivorous plant! The pitchers … Continued
Uvularia grandiflora
This native clump-forming plant grows to 2′ tall and features 1.5″ long, pendulous, bell-shaped, yellow … Continued
Veronica 'Mona Lisa Smile'
‘Mona Lisa Smile’ produces artfully long spikes of rosy-purple flowers. This is one of the … Continued
Vinca minor/Vinca major
One of the most popular and widely used ground covers with evergreen leaves and lavender … Continued
Viola pedata
Bird’s foot violet has purple flowers with orange centers. The leaves are shaped like bird’s … Continued
Viola 'Halo Sky Blue'
These hardy, heat tolerant and long-lasting perennials have big sky blue, pansy-like blooms with bright … Continued
Viola labradorica
Hardier than pansies, violets tolerate cold to -20° as well as summer heat. Plants form … Continued
Viola odorata 'Rosina'
Dusky pink fragrant blooms open in early spring over heart-shaped leaves.
Viola walteri
Scalloped round leaves are veined in silver and topped with bluish-purple flowers open in early … Continued
Crataegus pruinosa
Waxy-fruited hawthorn is a native large shrub or small tree in the rose family found … Continued
Carex albicans
Sometimes called oak sedge, this clumping sedge grows to 15-20″ tall. It is native to … Continued
Vitis riparia
These fast-growing, long-lived native vines thrive along riverbanks, roadsides, forest edges, and fence lines. Green … Continued