false Ural spirea
Sorbaria sorbifolia
A suckering, deciduous shrub which typically grows 5-8′ tall and wide with ferny green foliage … Continued
Sorbaria sorbifolia
A suckering, deciduous shrub which typically grows 5-8′ tall and wide with ferny green foliage … Continued
Sorbaria sorbifolia 'Mr. Mustard'
Mr. Mustard has incredibly colorful springtime foliage of yellow, orange, red, pink, and lime green. … Continued
Chlorophytum comosum
One of the easiest houseplants to grow, this tropical thrives in a wide range of … Continued
Spiraea × vanhouttei
Old-fashioned spirea is often found in established landscapes around older homes. This handsome arching, loose … Continued
Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess'
Dainty clusters of rose-pink blooms on low-growing, mint green foliage. Naturally develops a tidy, compact, … Continued
Stewartia monodelpha
A rare and lovely small tree grown for its rich smooth cinnamon-colored bark, incredible maroon-red … Continued
Oenothera fruticosa
Sundrops prefer moderately fertile, dry, well-drained soil in full sun to very light shade. Good … Continued
Symphoricarpos x doorenbosii 'Magic Berry'
Light pink blooms in summer followed by large, pink fruit on arching stems with dark … Continued
Symphyotrichum ericoides
Wiry, branching stems are covered in small glossy green, needle-like leaves and a snowstorm of … Continued
Syringa meyeri 'Palibin'
A smaller-sized lilac with reddish purple buds opening to fragrant, pale lilac flowers. Blooms profusely … Continued
Syringa reticulata ‘Ivory Silk’
A small tree growing 20–25’ tall with a rounded crown. Creamy white, fragrant, single flowers … Continued
Tagetes erecta
Plants produce large double blooms that make excellent cut flower arrangements and look amazing in … Continued