‘Blackhawks’ big bluestem
Andropogon gerardii 'Blackhawks'
A cultivar of native prairie grass that has taken the gardening world by storm. Foliage … Continued
Andropogon gerardii 'Blackhawks'
A cultivar of native prairie grass that has taken the gardening world by storm. Foliage … Continued
Anemone 'Pretty Lady Julia'
Large two-inch blooms in late summer and early fall on compact plants. Semi-double bicolor pink … Continued
Anethum graveolens
Delicious, easy to grow, tangy dill provides both seeds and greens to flavor many foods. … Continued
Antennaria plantaginifolia
Soft, gray foliage is arguably the best ornamental feature of this native perennial. Useful as … Continued
Antennaria dioica ‘Rubra’
Silver-white foliage carpet is topped with pink buds that resemble pussycat pads. Buds open to … Continued
Cornus sericea 'Farrow'
With striking red stems and a compact habit, this native shrub is at its best … Continued
Aristolochia macrophylla
An eastern American native deciduous, woody, climbing vine that grows rapidly to 20-30′. This heirloom … Continued
Aronia melanocarpa Ground Hug™
Ground Hug™ Aronia is a tough native selection chosen for it’s low-branching form that grows … Continued
Aronia melanocarpa 'Low Scape Mound’
Low Scape® Mound Chokeberry provides season-long beauty in a hardy, compact shrub that grows almost … Continued
Aronia melanocarpa 'Low Scape Snowfire'
This beautiful woody shrub supports local pollinators and wildlife. Blanketed with small white blooms in … Continued
Aronia melancarpa var. 'Elata’
An open, upright, deciduous shrub that typically grows 3-6’ tall. Autumn berries and purple-red foliage … Continued
Artemisia stellariana 'Silver Brocade'
Woolly, thick white foliage makes an excellent contrast plant. Grows to 12″ high and 24″ … Continued