1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Solanum melongena

‘Patio Baby’  is a petite and ornamental, producing a prolific number of 2 to 3 … Continued

Tomatillo Toma Verde

Physalis philadelphica

2” fruits are the staple ingredient in Mexican Salsa Verde. Native to Mexico and domesticated … Continued


Solanum lycopersicum

(VNTSWV) Compact plant with heavy yields of firm, bright red, tasty 10-12 oz fruits. Unbeatable … Continued

Big Jim pepper

Capsicum annuum species

The largest of the chile peppers, with medium-hot fruits measuring 10 to 12” long. The … Continued


Rosmarinus officinalis

Rosemary ‘Arp’ Grows 3-5′ tall and prefers full sun. ‘Arp’ has an open, bushy habit, … Continued


Lavandula angustifolia/ x intermedia / x ginginsii

Well-drained soil, winter mulch and a planting site near stone or concrete footing to create … Continued


Anthriscus sylvestris

Also commonly called cow parsley! Native to the Middle East, southern Russia, and the Caucasus, … Continued


Nepeta cataria

A vigorous-growing mint with a wacky effect on cats. Dry some catnip for homemade cat … Continued