‘Purple Beauty’ Bell
Capsicum annuum species
A medium-large, smooth and sweet bell that ages to a deep, almost black purple.
Capsicum annuum species
A medium-large, smooth and sweet bell that ages to a deep, almost black purple.
Capsicum annuum species
A medium-large, very smooth 3 and 4 lobed fruits mature from green to a very … Continued
Capsicum annuum species
Extremely high yields of medium-sized, blocky peppers with a rich, creamy color. Resistant to Tobacco … Continued
Capsicum annuum species
Dark green, tapered fruits grow 3” long and turn from green to red. A hot … Continued
Capsicum annuum species
Bright red fruits are excellent for homemade hot sauce and dry well for ristras and … Continued
Capsicum annuum
Among the very hottest ever! 1,000 times hotter than Jalapeno. Native to Yucatan, lantern-shaped, 1” … Continued
Crassula ovata
Succulent, shiny, smooth, leaves grow in opposing pairs along thick branches. Leaves are a dark … Continued
Perilla frutescens 'Crispa'
Purple-red foliage is nicely ornamental. Distinct cinnamon-clove flavor and aroma, with the spiciness of cumin. … Continued
Artemsia dracanculus sativa
Tangy anise-like flavor combines well with fish, chicken, eggs, leeks, and potatoes. Chefs’ favorite! Will … Continued
Poterium sanguisorba
Plants have gorgeously serrated foliage and grow to about 1′ high and wide. Not fussy, … Continued