holly ‘Blue Princess’
Ilex meserveae ‘Blue Princess’
Handsome hedge, background plant or specimen desired for its lustrous blue-green foliage. Moderate grower to … Continued
Ilex meserveae ‘Blue Princess’
Handsome hedge, background plant or specimen desired for its lustrous blue-green foliage. Moderate grower to … Continued
Malus hybrids
A genus of about 35 species of deciduous trees and shrubs from Europe, Asia and … Continued
Ricinus communis
Very large, tropical-looking dark purple foliage, interesting flower spikes and cool neon red seed pods. … Continued
Saccharum ravennae (formerly Erianthus ravennae)
Showy plumes tower 8-10′ tall in summer. An excellent instant privacy planting especially useful between … Continued