1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

passion vine, maypop

Passiflora incarnata

This perennial vine grows up to 25′ long and climbs with tendrils. 3″ lavender flowers … Continued

black cherry

Prunus serotina

This native ranges from southeastern Canada through the eastern US, and west to Texas. White … Continued

New Jersey Tea

Ceanothus americanus

Named because dried leaves were used as a tea substitute during the American Revolutionary War. … Continued

black chokeberry

Aronia melancarpa var. 'Elata’

An open, upright, deciduous shrub that typically grows 3-6’ tall. Autumn berries and purple-red foliage … Continued

threadleaf blue star

Amsonia hubrichti

Perennial Plant Association 2011 Perennial Plant of the Year! Pale blue flowers cover fine-needle-leaved, dense, … Continued