giant ironweed
Vernonia gigantea
One of the tallest of the ironweeds, growing to as much as 10’ tall in … Continued
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Vernonia gigantea
One of the tallest of the ironweeds, growing to as much as 10’ tall in … Continued
Vernonia baldwinii
Stems occur singly or in clumps with wide clusters of vibrant red-violet blooms at the … Continued
Antennaria plantaginifolia
Soft, gray foliage is arguably the best ornamental feature of this native perennial. Useful as … Continued
Vernonia fasciculata
2-4′ tall fall native is topped with broad, compound blooms made up of many heads … Continued
Antennaria dioica ‘Rubra’
Silver-white foliage carpet is topped with pink buds that resemble pussycat pads. Buds open to … Continued