lemon beebalm, horsemint
Monarda citriodora 'Lambada'
Horsemint foliage has a strong citrus scent when rubbed or crushed. It is very easy … Continued
Monarda citriodora 'Lambada'
Horsemint foliage has a strong citrus scent when rubbed or crushed. It is very easy … Continued
Impatiens balsamina
Bushy plants bloom in shades of pink, white, red, and salmon throughout the summer and … Continued
Zinnia tenuifolia
One of the original zinnia species, ‘Red Spider’ has small blooms with rich red narrow … Continued
Amaranthus cruentus 'Oeschberg'
Purple-tinged foliage and eggplant plurple flower spikes make a striking back of border show. A … Continued
Cleome serrulata
This colorful long-blooming native annual has large showy flowers in shades of pink and rose … Continued
Amaranthus caudatus
A staple grain for Mayans, Aztecs, and the Incas, Victorian English gardens took up this … Continued
Ruellia simplex 'Purple Showers'
Mexican petunias are happiest when grown in medium to wet soils in full sun to … Continued
Tagetes lemmonii
Narrow, green, fine foliage has a strong citrus-like aroma. The sunny yellow blooms attract bees … Continued
Eutrochium {Eupatorium} purpureum
Shade tolerant and showy, this easy-to-grow native stays in place in the garden and invites … Continued
Antirrhinum majus
These heirloom garden flowers flourish in cool spring growing conditions and can be kept going … Continued
Buddleia x weyeriana 'Golden Glow'
Golden Glow butterfly bushes produce ball-like clusters of orangey-yellow flowers that are intensely fragrant. Dense … Continued
Buddleia davidii 'Monarch™ Prince Charming'
This mid-sized butterfly bush grows up to about 4′ and is covered with vibrant raspberry-red … Continued