Billy buttons, drumsticks
Craspedia globosa Golf Beauty
An exciting option for larger container gardens and patio pots, use these yellow globe-shaped flowers … Continued
Craspedia globosa Golf Beauty
An exciting option for larger container gardens and patio pots, use these yellow globe-shaped flowers … Continued
Baptisia sphaerocarpa
Showy upright, mounded native with yellow, pea-like blooms along yellow-green stems rising above a foliage … Continued
Baptisia 'American Goldfinch'
Brilliant golden-yellow flower spikes rise above blue-green foliage. A floriferous Baptisia produces loads of brightly … Continued
Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks'
Lacy, radiating bloom spikes of sparkling golden-yellow from mid-September past mid-October. Plants grow 3-4′ high. … Continued
Oligoneuron rigidum {Solidago rigida}
Large, flat medium yellow flower clusters provide late-season nectar for butterflies and, later, seed for … Continued
Abelmoschus manihot 'Kiko's Crump'
Summer slows or shuts down spinach and lettuce. Kiko’s Crump hibiscus is a heat-tolerant source … Continued
Clematis tangutica
Large yellow bells hang delicately from this climbing vine with stunning visual interest. It makes … Continued
Paeonia suffruticosa
These long-lived woody shrubs reach 4–5′ in height and bear fragrant flowers up to 10″ … Continued
Ipomoea lobata
This annual vine is a member of the morning glory family and produces tons of … Continued
Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple'
‘Royal Purple’ is a compact, purple-leaved smokebush. Upright, loose-spreading, and multi-stemmed shrub covered in tiny … Continued
Spigelia marilandica
A long flowering woodland perennial with unique flowers that attract pollinators — especially hummingbirds. This … Continued
Zizia aptera
A larval host for black swallowtails and an exceptional early-season nectar source for countless species … Continued