purple heart
Setcreasea pallida
Native to Mexico, this trailing tropical dark purple lance-shaped leaves that sometimes get as long as … Continued
Setcreasea pallida
Native to Mexico, this trailing tropical dark purple lance-shaped leaves that sometimes get as long as … Continued
Torenia fournieri
‘Clown’ and ‘Kauai’ mixes are showy little beauties that look great all season. Plants never … Continued
Cosmos bipinnatus
Cosmos bipinnatus ia an heirloom garden classic, cosmos ‘Sonata’ flowers open in shades of violet, … Continued
Cleome hassleriana
Clio™Magenta Cleome’s sterility provides more flowers over a longer period and works well in containers … Continued
Celosia plumosa
‘Sunday’ is our plumed mix with magenta, yellow, orange, pink, and red plumes all summer … Continued
Calendula officinalis
Each petal is a soft peach edged in dark russet for a two-toned look. Also … Continued
Bougainvillea 'Red Double'
These full sun vining plants and are native to Mexico and produce loads of blooms … Continued
Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum
Drought tolerance for shade! Wax leaf begonias don’t grow too large, topping out at 10-12″ … Continued
Petunia hybrids
‘Wave’ petunias are the original heat tolerant, low maintenance petunia hybrid. Ground-hugging carpets grow 5-7″ … Continued
Angelonia angustifolia ‘Carita Raspberry’
Also called summer snapdragon because of it’s resemblance and excellent heat tolerance. 12-16″ flower-covered spikes … Continued
Lobularia maritima
Tiny fragrant white, pink, and lavender flowers open in clusters on this low-growing annual that … Continued
Sporobolus heterolepis
2′ narrow-leaved, fragrant native grass. Incredibly attractive in bloom and seed.