1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Spring Landscape Services

It’s spring! Everyone is excited to get planting. To make sure we’re able to help as many gardeners as possible, we are not accepting any new in situ landscape consultations during the month of April. Fear not, this doesn’t mean we can’t help you!

Just bring some photos (print ’em or bring ’em on your phone) or a rough sketch and some basic dimensions of the areas you need help picking plants for and we can walk the nursery together to help select stunning combos that will thrive in your conditions.

Plant installations and landscape clean-ups can be arranged by visiting the nursery or calling 785-594-2966. Many jobs can be set in motion without having to wait for us to visit your site.

Bulk mulch, topsoil, and compost plus large plant material deliveries are scheduled first-come, first-serve. During April and May we schedule deliveries for Monday through Thursday, sometimes into the evening.

We appreciate your patience and patronage during the busy season — it’s the most wonderful time of the year!