Sedum Atlantis
Sedum takesimense 'Nonsitnal' Atlantis®
Tight rosettes of notched, deep green succulent leaves edged in broad, creamy yellow margins. Plants … Continued
Sedum takesimense 'Nonsitnal' Atlantis®
Tight rosettes of notched, deep green succulent leaves edged in broad, creamy yellow margins. Plants … Continued
Sedum alboroseum 'Mediovariegatum'
Sedum alboroseum ‘Mediovariegatum’ has green and cream variegated folded and tight foliage, covered with pale … Continued
Sedum sexangulare
Super low, 4″ mat of very fine green foliage is covered with yellow flowers in … Continued
Sempervivum species
Little ‘chicks” cluster around the larger rosette “hen” making perfect little rock garden perennials that … Continued
Senecio serpens
Powdery blue-green fleshy tubular leaves provide color and texture contrast in succulent collections. A great … Continued
Senecio rowleyanus
This unusual-looking succulent sprawls over container edges in strands resembling a beaded necklace, with fleshy … Continued
Sinocrassula yunnanensis
A little hard to find, these little clusters of black succulent foliage resemble baby hedgehogs. … Continued
Tillandsia species
Tillandsias are very hardy and require much less attention than other house plants. Provided the … Continued
Opuntia cochenillifera f. variegata
Cousin of the native prickly pear, this rare cactus features swirling variegation on the pads. … Continued
Assorted Notocactus, Mammillaria, Opuntia, Echinocactus, Ferocactus, Pilocereus offer a variety of textures and shapes for … Continued