1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

rock rose

Phemeranthus {Talinum} calycinus

This native perennial most often occurs in rocky soils and is often found growing in … Continued

Cuban oregano

Plectranthus amboinicus

Great herb for Caribbean cuisine. Loves hot, summer weather. Nice in containers and baskets, plants … Continued

moss rose

Portulaca grandiflora

A classic maintenance free annual with fancy rose-like blooms all summer. Often self-seeding in garden … Continued


Portulaca grandiflora

Large blooms cover these low-growing drought tolerant succulents through the summer. Needs almost no care … Continued

Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’

Sedum 'Herbstfreude'

Large salmon-pink flower heads tinged with bronze and open late summer through fall. Plants grow … Continued

Sedum ‘Harvest Moon’

Sedum spathulifolium ‘Harvest Moon’

Silver-white leaves; yellow flowers in summer on this choice rock garden or trough plant. Choice … Continued