goji berry
Lycium barbarum
Goji berry flavor is tart and sour, similar to cranberry. Goji berries contain the highest … Continued
Lycium barbarum
Goji berry flavor is tart and sour, similar to cranberry. Goji berries contain the highest … Continued
Lysimachia nummularia
Round, green leaves create a low-growing mat with small yellow flowers. ‘Aurea’ is a bright … Continued
Magnolia virginiana
Sweet Bay comes from a cooler, northern range and blooms later avoiding late frost damage … Continued
Malus domestica
Semi-dwarf and dwarf apple trees can grow from 8 to 15 feet tall and produce … Continued
Malus hybrids
A genus of about 35 species of deciduous trees and shrubs from Europe, Asia and … Continued
Manettia luteorubra
Small, bright red blooms tipped with gold look just like candy corn candy! A vigorous … Continued
Matteuccia struthiopteris
A clump-forming, upright, arching deciduous fern that can grow up to 6′ tall in moist, … Continued
Melissa officinalis
Leaves have an almost metallic golden sheen. Otherwise similar to standard lemon balm with lemony … Continued
Mertensia virginica
Clusters of trumpet-shaped blue flowers open in early spring. Flower buds are pink and emerge … Continued
Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Fast growing deciduous conifer grows 75-100’ or taller and 15-25’ wide with a pyramidal shape. … Continued
Mentha (assorted)
‘The Best’ (Mentha spicata), like other spearmints, has less menthol than peppermint varieties which make … Continued
Miscanthus sinensis 'Dixieland'
Also called Japanese silver grass, this ornamental grows 4-5′ tall with wide leaves that are … Continued