1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Jacob’s ladder

Polemonium reptans

Jacob’s ladder flourishes in bright shade with moist rich loamy soil.  Plants tolerate sandy, acid … Continued

Rocky Mountain juniper

Juniperus scopulorum

‘Skyrocket’ is a narrow, columnar form that makes an excellent choice for accent or planting … Continued

golden rain tree

Koelreuteria paniculata

Fast-growing shade tree with neat habit and well-behaved root system. Medium-sized 30-40’ trees are open-branched, … Continued


Lactuca sativa

Tender crisp buttery flavor and excellent grower, butternut is a gourmet delight. A great all-around … Continued

dead nettle

Lamium maculatum

‘Beacon Silver’ is tough yet showy perennial groundcover. This classic selection forms a spreading patch … Continued


Lantana camara

The quintessential southern plant, rewarding high temperatures with copious flowering. ‘Irene’ has unusual yellow, pink … Continued


Lavandula angustifolia/ x intermedia / x ginginsii

Well-drained soil, winter mulch and a planting site near stone or concrete footing to create … Continued

‘Alaska’ shasta daisy

Leucanthemum superbum 'Alaska'

Large, pure white blooms with yellow centers are long-lasting, very hardy and free flowering. These … Continued