‘Variegata’ Japanese aster
Kalimeris yomena 'Variegata'
A variegated relative of the aster, ‘Variegata’ has narrow green leaves edged in yellow. As … Continued
Drought-tolerant and drought-resistant plants may still need supplemental water from time to time, but they can survive periods of dryness without dying.
Drought-resistant plants like cactus, hens and chicks, and sedums can go for very long periods without water and do not tolerate poorly drained locations. Drought-resistant tropical plants grown indoors in winter like cactus, Sansevieria, Echeveria, and other succulents sometimes fail due to overwatering.
Drought-tolerant plants grow in many textures and sizes and have different adaptations that help them get through periods of drought:
The latter two types of plants are drought tolerant once established because any new planting, regardless of drought tolerance, needs to be watered during the first growing season to allow roots to reach the depths needed to access moisture during dry periods.
It’s also important to note that survival may not mean that the plant will look its best during this time. Watering weekly for a longer period of time will result in the best-looking gardens with the highest tolerance for drought. During the hottest, dryest times in summer, watering deeply twice a week is recommended. These less frequent waterings will encourage root systems to expand, making it easier for plants to access moisture when their environment is dry.
Winter drought has become a bigger problem in recent years as snowfall declines. Evergreen plants are especially vulnerable during winter drought because their foliage continues to shed moisture while dormant deciduous plants have shed their leaves and can conserve moisture in woody stems and underground. Watering shrubs and trees in winter on days when the temperature allows (above freezing) will help ensure their healthy return in spring.
Here are some drought-tolerant and drought-resistant plants to grow—
Kalimeris yomena 'Variegata'
A variegated relative of the aster, ‘Variegata’ has narrow green leaves edged in yellow. As … Continued
Kerria japonica 'Picta'
Kerria is a bright flowering, low-maintenance woody for partial shade. Sometimes called Easter rose because … Continued
Knautia macedonia 'Thunder and Lightning'
A profusion of brilliant ruby-red flowers June til frost on compact dwarf plants with striking … Continued
Kniphofia uvaria ‘Gold Rush’
Many red and yellow flower spikes open brightly all summer summer atop a low-growing, thick … Continued
Koelreuteria paniculata
Fast-growing shade tree with neat habit and well-behaved root system. Medium-sized 30-40’ trees are open-branched, … Continued
Viburnum carlesii
Korean spice is cold hardy and to care for, growing best in sunny to partly … Continued
Lagenaria siceraria
Gourds are so fun! What kind of crazy shapes and colors will your plants give … Continued
Lagerstroemia indica
With striking late season blooms and gorgeous bark, crapemyrtle can be grown as a shrub … Continued
Lagerstroemia indica 'Whit II'
Sometimes called the “lilac of the South,” new cold-hardy cultivars enable more areas of the … Continued
Lagerstroemia Infinitini® Magenta
A strong grower with abundant magenta summer blooms, this dwarf variety can fit into gardens … Continued
Lamiastrum galeobdolon
‘Herman’s Pride’ has dark green leaves are overlaid with silver veining. Densing mounding plants grow … Continued
Lamium maculatum
‘Beacon Silver’ is tough yet showy perennial groundcover. This classic selection forms a spreading patch … Continued