‘Prince of Orange’ poppy
Papaver orientale ‘Prince of Orange’
Huge tangerine-colored blossoms open on wiry stems from late spring thru early summer. Petals have … Continued
Papaver orientale ‘Prince of Orange’
Huge tangerine-colored blossoms open on wiry stems from late spring thru early summer. Petals have … Continued
Pogostemon patchouli
Grown in the United States at least since 1900, patchouli, is part of a genus … Continued
Pelargonium peltatum 'Crocodile'
A fun ivy leaf geranium that has rough textured green leaves with prominent yellow to … Continued
Peperomia graveolens
Native to Peru and Ecuador, this succulent forms small plants with burgundy-red stems. V-shaped leaves … Continued
Philodendron hybrid
New foliage on this philodendron emerges lime-green with thin, light-yellowish stripes. As the plant matures, … Continued
Philodendron 'Congo Rojo'
Striking green and red foliage sprouts from a central stem. ‘Red Congo’ is a hybrid … Continued
Philodendron hederaceum 'Variegata'
Classic green heart leaf Philodendron but with a stunning golden variegation.
Phlox drummondii
Loads of single blooms in clusters atop 6-8″ plants all summer long. Flowers range in … Continued
Picea glauca ‘Conica’
Cone-shaped dwarf conifer with small, dense green needles. Excellent as a miniature Christmas tree or … Continued
Pinus strobus 'Blue Shag'
Compact, dwarf, globe-shaped evergreen shrub with short, soft, blue-green needles. This dwarf eastern white pine … Continued
Pinus strobus 'Coney Island'
A unique, dwarf pine with 5″ blue-green needles densely covering this rounded conifer and miniature … Continued