Beta vulgaris
‘Early Wonder’ is a popular heirloom beet variety that produces high yields of deep red … Continued
Get planning with our kitchen garden growing guide. We’ve combined planting calendars from many sources with our own experience and greenhouse seed sowing schedules, along with some average times to harvest, and created a guide we hope will help demystify vegetable gardening.
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Beta vulgaris
‘Early Wonder’ is a popular heirloom beet variety that produces high yields of deep red … Continued
Beta vulgaris
This stunning chard seed mix is as ornamental as it is delicious, with stems in … Continued
Capsicum annuum species
Extremely high yields of medium-sized, blocky peppers with a rich, creamy color. Resistant to Tobacco … Continued
Capsicum annuum species
The largest of the chile peppers, with medium-hot fruits measuring 10 to 12” long. The … Continued
Capsicum annuum
Peppers grow about one inch long with a pointed tip resembling a little beak. The … Continued
Cucurbita pepo
Fast-growing plants are easy to grow and produce abundantly through summer. Freezes well. Harvest while … Continued
Borago officinalis
Big fuzzy plant bears uncommonly true-blue flowers which are prized for garnishes and salads from … Continued
Brassica oleracea (Acephala Group) 'Redbor'
This curly kale has gorgeous red and purple color. Continuously cut for yields all season. … Continued
Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
Plant spring cauliflower 2 to 4 weeks before the last frost in the ground or … Continued
Brassica oleracea var. capitata
‘Early Flat Dutch’ has excellent heat tolerance and produces large, flat heads, weighing 6-10 lbs. … Continued
Brassica oleracea var. italica
Bright green rounded heads form on medium-sized plants for mid-summer harvest when transplanted in March … Continued
Brassica rapa var pekinensis
Good uniformity and large head size with tolerance to Black Speck and tipburn. ‘Yuki’ is … Continued