Jade Parade® Sand Cherry
Prunus pumila 'UCONNPP002'
Attractive glossy blueish-green leaves turn shades of yellow, orange, and red in the fall. Spring … Continued
Our trees and shrubs are guaranteed!
Prunus pumila 'UCONNPP002'
Attractive glossy blueish-green leaves turn shades of yellow, orange, and red in the fall. Spring … Continued
Salix discolor
Pussy willow is a small tree or large shrub. As one of the earliest blooming … Continued
Pyracantha angustifolia 'Gnome'
This semi-evergreen shrub is easy to grow and maintain. It can be grown in a … Continued
Rhamnus frangula 'Ron Williams' PP #14,791
Ferny foliage and a narrow columnar habit make this a fantastic plant for contrast. Foliage … Continued
Rhus aromatica
This low-growing, native shrub forms a dense mass of stems and is used en masse … Continued
Rhus glabra
This native, deciduous shrub occurs on prairies, fields, abandoned farmland, clearings and along roads and … Continued
Rhus typhina
Grows in any well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Tolerant of urban conditions. … Continued
Rosa carolina
Two to three-inch wide bright pink flowers with yellow centers open in early summer on … Continued
Rosa hybrid
Pointed buds of deep rust open to velvety chocolate blooms with a slightly purple cast and … Continued
Rosa hybrid
Gorgeous yellow blooms have a mild licorice scent. Buttery golden yellow 4″ blooms (petals 20+) … Continued
Rosa hybrid
A new spin on an old favourite, this repeat bloomer produces abundant, double blooms up … Continued
Salix candida 'Jefberg'
Iceberg Alley™ is a native plant discovered by the Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador … Continued