red maple
Acer rubrum
Native trees renowned for their incredible red fall color, these trees have a life span … Continued
Acer rubrum
Native trees renowned for their incredible red fall color, these trees have a life span … Continued
Achillea millefolium
With long-lasting, flat-topped blooms, yarrow species are ubiquitous along roadsides and in open fields. Feathery … Continued
Actaea pachypoda
Thrives in moist, organically rich, humusy, well-drained soil in part to full shade. Plants may … Continued
Aesculus pavia
Aesculus pavia grows showy, erect, 4-10” long panicles of red, narrow-tubular flowers in spring. Smooth, … Continued
Aesculus glabra
Growing in open spaces, these trees may reach 60’ tall by 30’ wide, but as … Continued
Aesculus parviflora
Aesculus parviflora is easily grown in average soil in part to full shade and features … Continued
Agastache foeniculum
Grows happily in average soil in full sun to light shade and attracts all sorts … Continued
Allium cernuum
Easily grown in average soil in full sun to light shade. Plants naturalize by self-seeding … Continued
Amelanchier laevis
A small, deciduous, usually multi-trunked understory tree or tall shrub which is native to thickets … Continued
Amelanchier arborea
This four-season tree offers white flowers in spring, small red berries in summer, colorful fall … Continued
Amelanchier alnifolia
Prefers full sun and requires minimal attention. Blue-green foliage, delicate 2” flower clusters and brilliant … Continued
Amelanchier canadensis
Deciduous, early-flowering, large shrub or small tree typically grows 15-30’ tall. Showy, 5-petaled, slightly fragrant, … Continued