Kiko’s Crump Edible Hibiscus
Abelmoschus manihot 'Kiko's Crump'
Summer slows or shuts down spinach and lettuce. Kiko’s Crump hibiscus is a heat-tolerant source … Continued
Abelmoschus manihot 'Kiko's Crump'
Summer slows or shuts down spinach and lettuce. Kiko’s Crump hibiscus is a heat-tolerant source … Continued
Adenium obesum
Desert rose is succulent native to the hot climates of East Africa and Arabia, with fleshy … Continued
Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop'
Rosettes of burgundy-black leaves at the ends of stems that can grow several feet high. … Continued
Aeonium 'Kiwi'
Tricolor rosettes in green and yellow edged in pink are one of the showiest succulents … Continued
Agave parryi var. truncata
Plants form a tight rosette of short, wide, grey-green leaves with a contrasting reddish-brown margins … Continued
Agave 'Mangave Bloodspot'
12-16″ rosettes of gray-green succulent foliage with small teeth along margin and edged with maroon. … Continued
Agave xylonacantha 'Frostbite'
Rigid, thick leaves are very long and narrow. The blue-green to dark green center is … Continued
Agave ferdinand-regis x Agave scabra
This gorgeous agave grows to 3′ tall and wide with thick, blue-gray leaves with smooth … Continued
Agave geminiflora
One of the best small growing agaves for use in containers. Also known as the … Continued
Alocasia reginula
This miniature alocasia has outstanding foliage with heart-shaped, dark green to black leaves with a … Continued
Alocasia 'Portora'
This is the easiest Alocasia to grow! Giant green leaves are held upright with scalloped, … Continued
Alocasia princeps 'Purple Cloak'
This rare Alocaisa from Malaysia has V-shaped leaves with a high glossy dark green-blue-silver top … Continued