bur oak
Quercus macrocarpa
A coarsely textured crown with wooly acorns and a massive trunk with rough, deeply furrowed … Continued
Many songbirds and other wildlife depend on seeds and fruit produced by various plants and feed on the insects drawn into our gardens. The following is a list of plants that provide fruit, nuts, and seeds for various songbirds.
Since 1970 the population of North American birds has dropped nearly 30% — almost three billion birds have vanished from our forests, grasslands, and backyards in less than a human lifetime. It’s a chilling fact that makes it clear that we must act as individuals to help ensure their survival.
Most importantly, ninety-six percent of all terrestrial bird species rear their young on insects so it is also important to grow plants that feed insects to provide a well-rounded habitat in your garden.
Quercus macrocarpa
A coarsely textured crown with wooly acorns and a massive trunk with rough, deeply furrowed … Continued
Quercus muehlenbergii
Height of 40–50’ and a spread of 50–60’ at a slow to medium rate, with … Continued
Quercus palustris
Distinctive branching pattern sets it apart from other oaks. Homeowners and city foresters like this … Continued
Rubus idaeus/Rubus occidentalis
‘Heritage Red’ is an everbearing variety bears fruit the first year. Produces light crop in … Continued
Ratibida pinnata
Native plant that thrives in dry woods, prairies and along railroad tracks and roads. Composite … Continued
Rhus aromatica
This low-growing, native shrub forms a dense mass of stems and is used en masse … Continued
Rhus glabra
This native, deciduous shrub occurs on prairies, fields, abandoned farmland, clearings and along roads and … Continued
Ribes nigrum 'Consort'
Black fruit on medium-long clusters has a sweet, strong, musky flavor. Used for jams, jellies, … Continued
Rosa carolina
Two to three-inch wide bright pink flowers with yellow centers open in early summer on … Continued
Rudbeckia hirta 'Autumn Colors'
This biennial or short-lived perennial will remain in the garden through the years by self-seeding. … Continued
Rudbeckia fulgida var. speciosa ‘Goldsturm’
Perennial Plant Association 1999 Perennial Plant of the Year! Bushy clumps of rich green foliage … Continued
Rudbeckia hirta
Huge 3-4″ deep yellow blooms with dark brown eye cover this black-eyed Susan from late … Continued