‘Black Swan’ elephant ear
Colocasia 'Black Swan'
Huge, dark purple leaves! The dark, near-black foliage forms an upright, arching habit showcasing its … Continued
Colocasia 'Black Swan'
Huge, dark purple leaves! The dark, near-black foliage forms an upright, arching habit showcasing its … Continued
Colocasia esculenta
Leaves have dramatic green veins that highlight the black background. Loves wet conditions. Gigantic leaves … Continued
Colocasia esculenta 'Mojito'
Huge green colors are splashed with dark purple spatters. Light green stems are streaked with … Continued
Colocasia gigantea 'Thailand Giant'
‘Thailand Giant’ is much larger than C. gigantea, with each leaf growing up to 5′ long … Continued
Convallaria majalis ‘Prolificans’
Thrives in dry shade in poor soil. Excellent heirloom groundcover with dark green foliage spikes … Continued
Cornus florida
Grown as a single- or multi-trunked tree with a spreading crown and long-lasting, showy, white … Continued
Crassula ovata 'Hobbit'
This small shrubby succulent grows like a jade but with interesting succulent green leaves that … Continued
Cyclamen persicum
Metalis series has silvery foliage that brightens up the darkest corners, indoors, on terraces and … Continued
Deutzia gracilis
A dense, rounded, deciduous shrub with slender, broadly spreading, arching stems and growing about 2′ tall … Continued
Diascia hybrid
New Diascia cultivars really beat the heat and keep blooming through the summer. Peachy orange, … Continued
Dodecatheon meadia
Nodding blooms point upward and away from the pointed red and yellow flower center, resembling … Continued
Dolichos lablab
With striking foliage, flowers, and seed pods, this vigorous grower covers fence and arbor quickly … Continued