Christmas/Thanksgiving cactus
Schlumbergera bridgesii/Schlumbergera truncata
Native to Brazil, flowers can last 7-8 weeks. Unlike other cactus, plants do not require … Continued
Schlumbergera bridgesii/Schlumbergera truncata
Native to Brazil, flowers can last 7-8 weeks. Unlike other cactus, plants do not require … Continued
Setcreasea pallida
Native to Mexico, this trailing tropical dark purple lance-shaped leaves that sometimes get as long as … Continued
Schefflera actinophylla
Umbrella trees grow to 50 feet in their native Australia and New Guinea. In colder … Continued
Schefflera Amate
An ideal environment for sheffleras included warm temperatures, and even moisture, and bright, indirect light … Continued
Alpinia zerumbet 'Variegata'
Striking yellow stripes on dark green leaves. Fragrant, white flowers tinged purple-pink with crinkled, yellow … Continued
Chlorophytum comosum
One of the easiest houseplants to grow, this tropical thrives in a wide range of … Continued
Ledebouria socialis ‘Violacea’
One of the most widely cultivated bulbs, favored by cactus and succulent growers. It is … Continued
Syngonium podophyllum
Leaves change shape as the plant matures, beginning as an “arrowhead” shape, and then changing … Continued
Tillandsia species
Tillandsias are very hardy and require much less attention than other house plants. Provided the … Continued
Tradescantia zebrina
A very popular trailing plant for indoor containers typically grows to 6” tall, but creeps … Continued
Nepenthes alata
One of the hardiest, most forgiving species and a great beginner carnivorous plant! The pitchers … Continued
Dionaea muscipula
Gardeners in cold winter climates should grow Venus flytraps in a moist environment — an … Continued